Solutions that Truly Hold Water.
Merkrete waterproofing products deliver protection for floors and walls for applications ranging from occasionally wet to continuous water submersion such as showers or pools.
Merkrete Hydro Guard 1 is a thin, load-bearing membrane composed of a modified elastomeric copolymer. With excellent elongation properties and remarkable strength, Hydro Guard 1 provides a 100% waterproof membrane coating while inhibiting the transfer of substrate cracks to the finished overlay. The membrane is installed in a liquid state and can be applied to practically any form or irregular shape (e.g., base flashings, parapets, walls, etc.).
Merkrete Hydro Guard 2000 is a heavy-duty, thin, load-bearing membrane composed of a modified elastomeric copolymer. With excellent elongation properties and exceptional strength, Hydro Guard 2000 provides a 100% waterproof membrane coat with crack isolation protection, limiting the transfer of substrate cracks to the finished overlay. The membrane is installed in a liquid state and can be applied to practically any form or irregular shape (e.g., base flashings, parapets, walls, etc.).
Merkrete Hydro Guard SP1 is a fast-drying, thin, load-bearing waterproof and crack isolation membrane composed of modified elastomeric copolymers. With excellent elongation, adhesion and strength properties, Hydro Guard SP1 provides a 100% waterproof membrane that limits the transfer of substrate cracks to the finished ceramic or stone tile surface. Hydro Guard SP1 is installed in a liquid state and can be applied to practically any form or irregular shape forming a monolithic waterproof barrier.
Merkrete Reinforcing Fabric is a durable, flexible, nonwoven, polyester engineered type II fabric for optional use with Merkrete Hydro Guard products when installed under ceramic tile or stone on residential and commercial interior applications to reinforce liquid waterproof membranes. Reinforcing Fabric is ideal for use over areas such as cracks, coves, corners, and areas around drains when used with Merkrete Hydro Guard products. It is easily cut to size with scissors or a razor knife, and smoothly incorporated in the liquid membrane.